Things I am using
- Editor: VS Code
- Fonts: JetBrains Mono
- Theme: Galaxy Monokai Theme
- File Icons: Material Icon Theme
VS Code Settings & Extensions
Visual Studio Code is a lightweight but powerful source code editor, I believe this is the best code editor in the world.
I often use these extensions:
- Better Comments (with ELPS support)
- Live Server
- Codeium
- Color Highlight
- EditorConfig
- Error Lens
- ES7+ React/Redux/React-Native snippets
- Eslint
- GitLens
- Prettier - Code formatter
- Stylelint
- Volar
- Vue VSCode Snippets
- Todo Tree
- Turbo Console Log
- UnoCSS
- Vscode NestJs Snippets
Chrome Extensions
- Dark Reader - Dark themes suitable for all websites
- Axure RP Extension for Chrome - An extension that allows viewing of locally published Axure RP prototypes (HTML files) from Google Chrome.
- Tampermonkey - User scripts for any website
- Infinity 新标签页 - Redefine your new tab
- LocatorJS - LocatorJS Chrome Extension - option-click to code (ReactJS)
- Octotree - GitHub code tree - GitHub on steroids
- Wappalyzer - Technology profiler - Identify web technologies
- 沉浸式翻译 - 沉浸式网页双语翻译扩展
- Vue.js devtools - Browser DevTools extension for debugging Vue.js applications.
- React Developer Tools - React debugging tools
- Shellpnpm
- Preferred package managers, also for monorepogalaxy-cli
- 一个用于快速生成各种前后端项目模版的脚手架
Starter Templates
- 使用 Vue3 + TS 构建的项目基础模版react-template-base
- 使用 React + TS 构建的基础项目模版nest-template-cms
- 使用 Nest + TS 构建的 CMS 开发框架vue-template-admin
- 使用 Vue3 + TS 构建的后台管理系统react-template-admin
- 使用 React + TS 构建的后台管理系统
MacOS/Windows APP
- uTools - 新一代效率工具平台。
- Typora - 一款轻量级的 markdown 编辑器。
- Apifox - 集 API 文档、API 调试、API Mock、API 自动化测试多项实用功能为一体的 API 管理平台
- HBuilderX - uniapp 开发工具
- 微信开发者工具 - 微信小程序开发工具